Friday, March 23, 2007 was a very busy, but fun trip...We left Sat morning and arrived 14 hours later...yikes...we took highway 3 cause of all the mudslides and avalanches that kept closing highway was a very pretty trip during the daytime...we went through Frank slide...and Creston (where the Kokanee brewery is...and we HAD to stop and take a pic of the sasquach in front...Jeff is OBSESSED about them) and then there was another statue of a sasquach on the side of the road just minding its own Jeff HAD to pull a u-ey and get a pic of that as well...but as it got darker the closer we got to Langley, the roads got twistier and turnier...and then it started to drizzle rain!!! not a fun time...Jeff drove the entire trip...his knuckles were white by the time we got to Bobs place...we were so glad to get there even though Bob and Vivian (Jeffs cousin) held dinner for us and we ate a midnight...full tummy before going to bed..yikes...

Sunday we got up about 10am cause of the late night the night before...and we went to White ROck...and Jonathan put his hands in the Pacific Ocean...he didnt like it one bit...maybe because the water was cold, maybe because of the funny way Dad was holding are the be the judge...we had a nice lunch at a restaurant by the water and then for supper we went for Pho...there are 3 Pho restaurants within walking distance from Bobs apartment...yummy!!! I was the only one who ate the Pho...Jeff and Bob and Vivian had Chinese stir-fry type dishes...which were good...but not as good a my bucket of noodles...YUMMY!!!
Monday was my day to hang with Jonathan cause Jeff and Bob went to Van Island to do me and babe went to the mall...there was everything in this mall except for was very big and I kept getting biggie...its not like I had any wheres I had to be until 7pm when the big boys got home...we had chicken and veggie kabobs...another yummy meal...

Tuesday was a day for calls in Van area...Me and Jonathan went for a walk to Army & Navy and around the neighbourhood and them came home for a was a windy day for a walk...but the flowers were in bloom and there was NO SNOW!!! sorry Mom...We went out for Greek and another little place a bout 3 blocks from Bobs place and it was sooo good...and they were so friendly....totally Greek...and Jonathan was so good...he didnt make a sound and the people around us couldnt believe there was a baby in the stroller not a doll because he was so quiet...he just played with his fingers and rings and nad a couple little naps while we ate...

Wednesday was another day on the road as we came home to TV...we were very glad to be home and sleeping in our own bed or crib...
the next adventure is a trip to Les and Aarons for UFC...oh yeah and Easter dinner...and then its off to Saskatoon and Winnipeg for Jeff for 2 trade shows on the 2nd and 3rd weekends...and then he comes to TV to pack-up Me and Jonathan to go to Edmonton the 4th weekend for another trade show and to visit with Nannie and Pappa...gee...this unemployment thing is kinda fun...I can go with Jeff and visit everyone while he to be Jeff sometimes...
well this is long enough and I have to stick pics in here enjoy the pics...


Anonymous said...

I wish you had called me, I could have shopped with you! Metro Town ( the mall you were lost in ) is soooo close to my house, and Army & Navy is only a 5 min walk from work ( the Gastown location, there is only one in Van, one in New West ). Oh well, maybe next trip to the coast.

Alberta said...

1 ocean down, 2 to go for a coast to coast to coast Jonathan! Maybe he'll be the first of his generation to get to the Arctic! His great Papa Johnston was the last to the best of my knowledge.