We had a fun visit with Nannie and Papa and Cody and Chow...the animals kinda left Jonathan alone...Chow did venture a couple of steps into the room that Jonathan and I slept in and then turned around...yipee, no drama...
Nannie gave Jonathan a few toys that me and Les used to play with way back in the day...the mirror rattle, the apple, and the turtle...we played with the apple this afternoon...and i think he liked bopping it around to hear the jingle of the bells hidden inside...
here are the pics from play-time...
Jonathan sure does look like he's having fun on such a cold day!
I'm glad that he's enjoying the 'antique' Fisher Price stuff...I was hoping I had packed those things around for how years for a great reason...and grandchildren are a great reason!
Now... to find a good home for a Barbie Bus!
He is soo cute. I actually remember that apple rattle..It's good to see good toys enjoyed same much as they were back then.
Good ideas are meant to be copied right?!? Lovin' the ticker! (and the babe too of course)
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